the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Nadia's Newest

One afternoon I was working on a project while Nadia was playing with toys in the livingroom. I really wanted to finish what I was doing before I put her in bed for a nap. Although she was singing her 'sleepy song' I thought she could make it for another few minutes...I guess I was wrong.
Recently Nadia has learned to crawl into a chair, turn around and sit. She finds it highly amusing to get in and out of her chair. For a challenge she scoops up as many toys as possible and then tries to sit in the chair...I mean why would you just want to sit still?

I gave Nadia a piece of paper and a coloured pencil. If she gets the right end on the page she is very content to draw...and it's even more fun to try all the different colours.

Nadia is our 'on the go every minute of the day' baby girl. A few weeks ago I found out that she loves to sit in her highchair and watch me make super as long as I do it like
a cooking show. I was getting a little bored with the cooking show thing so as I was washing veggies I was thinking of something to keep her attention. Hey, what a bout a piece of lettuce...I thought she would look it over and then throw it on to the floor. To my surprise she thought it was very funny and highly amusing. And played with it for about 20 minutes.



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