the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Wages Garnished

Have you ever been working at a mundane chore, basking in the perfect silence of the moment, only to be shockingly brought back to the real world with the sound of...more silence? This is the moment in which I instinctively felt the need to check on our 'never-so-quiet' little princess. AHHHHH!!! While I was basking, she was exploring. The printer that is! Oh, my. When I went to see what exactly she was doing I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Nadia managed to remove a part of the print which neither Tim or I can figure out what it does or where it goes. Odd. So we have a printer that doesn't work and a mysterious piece. Destruction number 1.

Tim was given a ceramic bobble-head pig from Alcatraz and he accidentally knocked it off the desk and broke his neck. I was able to hot-glue him back together. Since bobble-head was already broken I though I would let Nadia put him in her little doll bed. She has been asking forever, okay about 2 weeks. Nadia gently packed him around the house putting him in her little chair and then in her bed. She would even cover him up with a little blanket. So cute. All of a sudden she looked at the bobble-head and slams him to the ground. His little glasses went flying off his head. This would have been funny, but they aren't supposed to come off. Destruction number 2.

There have been other items of destruction lately. So Tim and I, as responsible parents, have come up with a disciplinary measure. We have decided that when Nadia asks for an allowance we will tell her, "Sure". You may have an allowance once you have paid off what you destroyed as a toddler. Garnished wages is our punishment for her. Look out Nadia; we're keeping a tab for you.



Blogger Karen said...

How about Nadia comes out here and we put her to work on the farm? We'll even keep Charlie away from her :)

Tuesday, 08 August, 2006  
Blogger Juanita said...

hey - that's pretty hilarious! i laughed out loud reading this post. what a great idea, i think i will steal that if i ever have the need for it!

Tuesday, 15 August, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can definitely empathize with you. With the vast experience gleaned from having a 7-year-old son and a 3-year-old daughter, I conclude that little girls are far more destructive than boys. Tyra has wrecked more things than Erik ever has and probably ever will. And then she has the gall to use those big innocent eyes. . .

Tuesday, 26 September, 2006  

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