the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Yesterday we had a blizzard! All day long it was blowing snow, making white out conditions. In the morning it didn't look too bad, but as the day went on it just got worse and worse. Visibility was about 1 cm. Tim was one of the few who worked a whole day because his friend just got an SUV with 4x4 and he had to test it out. So our car got plastered with snow on 1 side. There was about 10" of snow plastered to the side of our car. Even the engine was coated. I know this because I had to open the hood this morning to find the plug for the block heater. We had such bad drifting snow that some roads were completely impassable. Our friend's road had a drift about 5' high across the entire road. Because of the extreme drifting everywhere, all of the highways surrounding us where closed and 3 of the major thoroughfares were also closed in Saskatoon. You know its extreme when Saskachewanders don't go to work!
This is the tree outside our living room window - plastered with snow. It was really pretty until the wind got stronger and took all the snow back off.
Yesterday was about -25 with wind chill of about -35. Today after we woke up I notice it was -33 and the radio was saying it was -42 wind chill. Yikes! I have no desire to leave the house today!
Here's a photo this morning of across the street. The same direction as the first photo, but this time no blizzard. Our poor car is still sitting there. We finally plugged it in - so maybe it will start tomorrow.


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