the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

stuck inside

We've had a few snow storms with really strong winds which made these very cool patterns in the back yard. We now have a snow bank about 3 1/2 feet high at the entrance to the backyard, which spans across the entire yard. We've also had really cold weather since before Christmas. It's been -30 or more, or is it less. Anyway, it's been crazy cold and I've been trying to stay inside.

Colin found another use for his dump truck. Nadia and him have races across the family room. It's such a fun place to run around when we have a fire in there.

Watching the fire with Daddy. Colin especially loves to sit and watch the flames.

Princess Nadia. Every morning she gets herself dressed and then puts one of her princess dresses on. I think she's worn one almost everyday since Christmas. She's becoming more aware and lately we have conversations like this.

Mommy "Nadia, please wash your hands again and use soap this time."
Nadia "How do you know I didn't use soap?"
Mommy "I'm standing 10 feet away, I can see you!"
Nadia ~look of confusion~
Mommy ~trying not to laugh out loud~

Colin has been working on 6 teeth lately and 4 are molars. So he's been a little grumpy and no wanting to drink. The other day I found that he will drink if it's stolen from Nadia's cup. So now he gets his own cup with a straw.


Colin really loves to paint and he actually asked to paint. He's very good at using the brush for the first while, but then just can't stop himself and starts in with the fingers. He's learning not to eat paint. It just doesn't taste good. At least that's what I assume from his face. Poor guy kept trying to wipe it out with his painted fingers too. Don't worry, it really wasn't much paint and I don't think he even swallowed any. But I do think we need to invest in a smock for him.


Blogger Lisa Sawatzky said...

Did he get paint all over the table? He is so cute! I'm really excited that Nadia loves her princess dresses. Does she get to go out in them too if you go to the store? That would be SO cute. You've got a couple of great kids.

Thursday, 08 January, 2009  

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