we've landed
This has been a crazy week or so. Last Saturday Mom & Dad Sawatzky took the kids for a few days so that we could finish packing and load the truck. I can't believe that we got a 26 foot truck and filled it to the brim. (Thanks to Mom & Dad who gave us most of their reno tools...) We had tons of help loading and cleaning and we're off to Martensville Monday night. It was so good to see the kids again, even if they were sound asleep.
The next morning we were off to Edmonton. Tim drove the massive truck and I drove our car with the kids. I'm not a long distance driver, especially with kids in the back. So I prayed about that a lot. God was very good and kept me awake via music and podcasts. And the kids were super awesome. Colin napped before lunch and Nadia even napped after lunch. We even nearly made it without any movies. I think Nadia watched a veggie movie or 2 just before we found our new place in Edmonton. I praise God for that too.
Our cell phone wasn't ringing during the drive, so the next day I called our real estate agent to see how the previous days showing went. Before I could ask, he told me he had an offer. It was a little less than we were hoping for, but the only condition was financing. The buyers had no house to sell and they didn't want a house inspection. We had 4 hours to accept or reject the offer. Seeing we are in a tight market in Birch Hills, with about 10 other houses in our price range in a town of 1000. We decided to take it and have it off our plate. It still doesn't feel real. Maybe it will feel more real when we get the call that the condition is off. But, none the less, we praise God for selling it.
God has worked everything out for us. It's all been at the very last minute, but the outcome has been better than we prayed for. I am continually amazed at how God provides for us in mighty ways. I also have to tell you that our new landlords are amazing people who have literally bent over backwards to help us. I am so grateful for them and for this place.
(pictures will come soon...)
Wow wow wow! God works in amazing ways. So glad your house is sold; I bet you will have tons of fun house-hunting! I guess so long as you have the time and the kids aren't a problem, that is. Hmm, I hope it all goes well and that your adjustment to your new church is smooth. Btw, thanks for your comment on the blog about J. That made me feel better!
God is so good. I will say though that I often wish He wasn't such a last-minute kind of guy! Maybe the fact that I'm a procrastinator isn't such a bad thing after all!! :)
And I won!?!? That's totally awesome! Now I'm just trying to decide if you're laughing at my embarrassment over my email or think I'm really cool. :)
So great, God really likes you guys!!
BTW - email me so I have your address please.
Congratulations on selling your place and finding such an amazing place to rent. Praise God your trip went well too! May God bless your ministry there.
Nicole Van Ee
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