the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Nadia is doing so well in her bed. She still sleeps through the night and even though she peeps in the early morning she still goes back to sleep until 7:30am. Yeah! I'm so pleased she is doing so well and wow does she ever love her bed. But really, it is too cute! This is the reverse side of her quilt.

Also, I'm now in my 16th week of pregnancy. I'm no longer nauseous and not as tired so I am very pleased to be in the 2nd trimester. A few days ago I felt the baby moving, but nothing more since then. So I guess I get a little more time before I'm an all day jungle gym again. But really, I don't mind. My friend thinks we are having a boy because the baby's heart rate is on the lower end of the scale. The theory has proven accurate for her first 2, but we'll just have to wait and see. (The baby's heart rate was 140) If you have a guess at what we're having, (boy or girl) I'd love to hear.


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