the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Well on Saturday we stopped in at Canadian Tire and took a look at a bicycle for Nadia. She was really excited when she saw all the bikes but we couldn't find any her size. Then we rounded the corner and saw a two kinds of pink bikes just her size. Well right away she saw the Dora bike and wanted to see it. So I (Tim) climbed the ladder and got the bike off the rack. Nadia thought that was so cool and she wanted to sit on it and try it out. She peddled a bit and then asked if we could buy it. I think maybe she was thinking this was not something that we could buy now, I don't know. But when we said that we could buy it she was very happy. Then I picked up the bike and we started walking down the aisle. Then Nadia realized that we were serious and not going to put it back and she ran ahead of us yelling in a giddy and very excited voice, "Yeh, we are going to buy it, I so eciting, I got a Dora bike, I so eciting!" and then she started to shriek in a giddy sort of way. It was the cutest thing I think I've seen her do.
When we got home she wanted to ride it right away. She is getting better at peddling now and I've taken her down our hill out on the sidewalk a few times. She really loves that. The last couple of days we have spent a lot of time outside. Monday we raked the lawn (the only downside of a big yard is it's a lot of work, but it's worth it) and Nadia was out the whole time playing in the sand box and such. When Colin woke up we were almost finished and so he came out for a while too. I set him down on the grass for the first time and we stood back to see what he would do. If you remember the first time we set Nadia on the grass she screamed like we were torturing her. Colin was unaware that we had put him down on a strange surface until he tried to crawl. Then he stopped and picked up his hand to look at and then looked at the grass. He was a little unsure but quickly decided that it was not that big a deal. After all look at the cool leaves and sticks to eat. Summer will be fun.


Blogger Karen said...

That is a super-cute picture of Colin crawling on the grass. I love it. Annalisa, I think the new portrait picture you posted is definitely a good one to do.

Thursday, 01 May, 2008  

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