the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Monday, May 11, 2009

getting sorted in Edmonton

Nadia has been wanting a princess fish tank, so Tim and I decided that once we were mostly settled we would surprise her with one. So we told her that we needed to go to the mall, but it was a surprise why. I thought she was going to burst...she's a need to know kind of girl. We went to the pet store and looked around. When we got close to the tanks we asked her if she would like to pick out her very own fish tank. She was in disbelief at first. Once she established that we were serious. The jumping for joy started. It was a lot of fun. Oh...and she named them cherry and cotton candy.

Nadia loves to set up the ipod player in her room so that she can dance with her fish. I asked if they dance with her and she said they only came out once. She's such a mom.

Colin's first time watching a movie on the ipod. He's very absorbed.

If I lay down on the sofa, Colin is always 1 second behind and he has to be under the blanket too.

Nadia's night cap! She even went to sleep with it on.

Nadia's lego version of Daddy.

We have moved so many times and have always bought 'get us by' kind of furniture. So I guess Tim had it with the desk, because it was put in storage, never to be reconstructed in our home again. I don't blame him, it's done. But in the mean time, I have no place for the desktop. Finally I got tired of just using the laptop in the evening and set up the desktop on a box. So here is my desk. I noticed later that it says "This box is designed for multiple uses"! I am hunting for a desk though, because sitting on the floor is just not as comfy as a desk and chair.


Blogger Lisa Sawatzky said...

Tim, that lego man is such a likeness! You look great! Who knew you had horns.

These pictures are all so wonderful. It's nice to see where you've settled and how the kids are still smiling. I love her little fish tank, very cute. Did the bird make it out there alive?

Monday, 11 May, 2009  
Blogger Karen said...

Hey, guys! Miss you and glad to see you are settling in very well. The kids are so cute - Nadia is looking so grown up! It wasn't that long ago that she was crawling around on the floor. Which is a good reminder for me to savour the time when J. is little. Anyways, take care and God Bless.

Monday, 11 May, 2009  
Blogger Juanita said...

Wow! I'm having a hard time believing that you are 'settled' in Edmonton. It's just so strange to me that you are there and not in SK anymore.
Congrats on selling the house, I saw on fb. I guess the 'settled' thing doesn't happen for long for the Sawatzky clan?! Good luck with house hunting. Take care:-)

Monday, 11 May, 2009  
Blogger Tim and Annalisa Sawatzky said...

Lisa, the 'horns' are shoulders, I asked...I didn't ask if they were horns, just what they were! And yes the bird is still alive and well.

Monday, 11 May, 2009  

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