another contest: the baby guess
We're having another contest! I'm now just 4 weeks away from my due date and I think it's time we started the poles for when this baby will arrive. Today I went for an ultrasound and the tech estimated the baby's weight to be 5 lbs. 14 oz. (there's 16 oz. in a pound). Science says that the baby grows 1/2 to 1 lb. per week in the last 4 weeks. Now that you have the info, start the guessing. This contest has 3 parts. First guess when the baby will arrive, then guess the weight and also the gender! Oh, I can't wait to read your guesses.
I have the honour of guessing first! I guess July 2, and 8lbs. 13 oz. Who knows! but it's fun.
I'll say the due date will be September 13th (cuz that's my birthday!) and the baby will be 19lbs and 5 oz!!
woohoo hope I win!!
I will guess December 2nd cuz that is my birthday and I won't get the poundage up too high, but it could be 10lbs 7oz. Ask my wife and i am sure her guess would be much good luck with the December thing..
I'll put in a guess - June 30th and 7lbs, 14 ounces!
Anita :o)
Okay I will try. July 4, and 7lbs 11oz. Hope you are feeling well, take care Can't wait to meet this little one in cyber space!!! Do you know the sex of the baby???
Nicole J
Okay, I think some of you don't like me very much. Do you really want me to be pregnant until Sept. or Dec? That's just way too cruel.
Also, we don't know the gender of the baby so I guess we should be guessing on that too. So comment again on the gender.
Cruel you say...well I guess because the the guessing came from two men, we just want to share a birthday with someone. We really were not thinking of the actual pain that might incur on you physically or mentally. oops my about we just pray for a healthy baby and a safe delivery.
My guess on the date will be July 5th 2007 in the afternoon. Weight will be 8lbs 10oz. and it will be a BOY! Do you want the length too? Since I'm guessing already I'll say 21 inches long. Us Sawatzkys are tall critters.
PS. What do we get if we win?
Wow- what a typo==
What I MEANT to say was JUNE 13 (Cuz that's the day we're coming back to Canada!!) and and 6 lbs 4 ozs...
Oh yeah- and She'll be a boy!
July 3 9lbs, 2oz and boy and a hard labour. Enjoy, Darn you Eve you just had to disobey God, but yaa for modern tecnology and drugs. Just kidding. I will be praying for a good experience for you and a healthy baby. Danielle
OK, quick make a guess before HE comes... all 8lbs 3 oz of him.
I say June 26. Dad will just be home from his bike trip and come staight to the hospital to see you.
Mari said to say July 3rd early in the afternoon, and the baby will be a boy weighing in at 9 lbs 7 oz.
And congrats!!
I (Irv) will say July 1st a girl 10 lbs 6 oz.
Forgot to say the gender - I say that he's a boy.
July 2, 7 pounds 14 ounces - BOY. ;)
But I *hope* it's July 5th, that's my baby boy's BD. :)
Still guessing June 30th and 7lbs 14 ounces, but also wanted to add that I think it will be a little brother for Nadia.
I noticed Christy guessed the same weight at birth that I guessed! Here's hoping.......!
Lee says that your baby girl will be born on June 26 and weighing in at 6 lbs. I like July 6th, mostly cause it is my birthday, baby boy weighing 8 lbs 13 oz, 21 inches in length.
I really hope that your labour and delivery is easy!
Tara and Lee :O)
Here goes a guess... June 24, 7lbs 9oz, and a boy... hmmm maybe we will be in there together! I hope you have an awesome labour, and quick recovery! You'll need it with a move coming up so soon!
Cute pictures of Nadia too.
Hi from Lethbridge and congrats on getting a church job! I guess I will take a guess on the baby stats. A girl, born July 4th (I'm American) and weighing 7lb 3 oz.
Sue Baker
I am guessing a girl born on June 27th. I have no guess about the weight.
Mom's guess is a boy, born on June 25th, 8lbs and 7 oz. (via RS)
Dad's guess in boy, born on July 1st, 7lbs 5oz. (via RS)
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