the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

here we go

Colin is almost 5 months old now and he just loves his exosauser, and watching Nadia play.

Colin was actually playing with the toys...look at that concentration.
Daddy is playing hockey in Birch Hills and had to go buy some equipment. It only took Tim 4 days of asking Nadia, "Wanna wear my helmet?" until she agreed...reluctantly. But once she got it on she thought it was pretty cool.

And the here we go part. This was a few weeks ago now, but none the less, we have snow. And it keeps snowing and snowing and snowing. I think we're all wondering when the blizzards are going to stop. This is definitely the time of year that I desperately want to trade in our car for a beastly know, the super extended cab, long box, dully kind!

But Nadia was sure having fun in the snow. The first time we went out she spent and hour eating snow. It went like this: eat snow, take a snow, take a step...

Saturday, November 03, 2007

a big week

Colin is growing up so fast!
  • He's 4 months old now and getting so big...26" already!
  • This week Colin can put himself to sleep with only a minute of crying! Yeah.
  • Colin tries out rice cereal. He just loves it...I can't get it into his mouth fast enough. I'm also glad that it's helping him sleep through the night again.
  • And Colin just learned to roll from back to front and then front to back yesterday. Way to go Colin.

And Colin just adores Nadia. He loves to watch her play...and look at that perfect buzz cut he has. Tim thinks he's going to have hair colour like Nadia, but I think it might be lighter. Nadia's is a strawberry blond.

Nadia's new thing is to talk to and with her feet and fingers. One of her first fingers is called Bob. (Do you think she watches too much Veggie Tales?) In this photo, her feet are talking to me. I'll have to take a video next time.

baby Luke

Tim's cousin's wife Susan came for a visit this past week. They live in Calgary and just had their first baby 2 months ago. Luke is such a cutie. I was so proud of Susan for driving up to the farm, by herself, from Saskatoon. Later she told me that she's one of those people who usually falls asleep in the car. So I'm glad you made the trek, Susan. It was a great visit.