the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Finding Treasure ... Picking Rocks

Nadia loves to be outside. Everything is new and's neat for me to see her enthusiasm for what I consider the mundane. It gives me a fresh outlook on the world God has created. A new sense of awe and wonder. I'm grateful for this. I'm also thankful for the sun-kissed cheeks we've had. The beautiful warm sun is so uplifting.


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Our Little Climber

Nadia is constantly trying to get up higher. She will even tip-toe stand on a container lid if she thinks it will get her higher. For the most part it's fun. However, she's had some falls. For instance, the photo of her on the laundry basket. I snapped this one as she was vigorously conducting to the music. She happened to lose her balance and slip off the back. She really didn't hurt herself; I know this because 3 seconds later she was trying to get back on the basket. toys or hazardous equipment?


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Easter Fun

Well, we only have 1 good photo of Nadia in her cute polka-dot dress. But it's a cute one. Easter Sunday was very fun. We hung out with Tim's parents and spent most of the time in the back yard because Nadia just can't stay inside. She loves the outdoors. Although she did have to get over her fear of grass. If you know Nadia she is a fearless little thing who laughs in the face of danger. So we were shocked to find out that she was scared of the grass. But, Grandma bought a pink push car which is perfect for the grass and that helped Nadia get over her fear. You'll see the scowl on Nadia's face as she wants to be outside but "Really, does this grass have to be here too". And Shadow, the dog, help too. Nadia is always trying to give Shadow the ball but he's scarred of her so he just runs away. It's really amusing.


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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


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Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Official . . . She's a Toddler!

A few weeks after Nadia's first birthday she started to take some steps away from the objects she clinged to. Within a few days she was motoring all over the place without hesitation. Which makes it very hard to get a photo of least one where we can see more than just her forehead! Today was very spring like so we tried on her boots. To my surprise they fit and she could walk in them too. So off we went to find some puddles. She loves to be outside and splash in the puddles. Nadia is also loving table foods. She does normally sit in her highchair...but it was just so cute to see her be a big kid eating at the table. We're really looking forward to the full force of spring. As you can see, we still have a little snow on the ground, but the temperature is warm and the sun is beautiful.


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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Spring or Sprung?

Well spring is officially here and since I am officially done school my official spring fever is here. Yes thing includes all the typical symptoms: Wanting to buy a new car, the weird urge to do yard work, and the uncontrollable desire to start cleaning my golf clubs. Having said this, it is with an incredible WHACK that I come smashing back down to reality. Of course that whack was me hitting a gargantuan pot hole. Oh ya, pot hole season. You see if you are like me and have spent any time in BC's lower mainland you have a hard time understanding pot hole season until you actually live through one, if you live through one. This year they are so bad that if you are not careful you and your car could be seriously injured if you run over one. These few pictures are of a "pot hole" just down the road from our house. As soon as the frost came out of the ground this part of the road just sunk out of sight. they tried loads of gravel in it but to no avail. Finally they just closed the road completely.

Another part of spring, which is partly a genetic defect I think, is the "itch for new". New car, new house, new job, whatever. I don't know where this comes from but it drives me crazy. I suddenly get incredibly bored and just want to do something. But its like I have been cooped up in the house all winter with school books and I don't even remember what to do with myself. There is still too much snow on the ground to golf and there is too much mud to really do anything else. And then there is the no money part. Which seems to put a damper on the buying a new car thing. But what's a guy going to do?

I wonder what it is about this time of year that drives me so crazy? Is it that summer is so close or that the warm fresh air does something to my brain? Whatever it is, spring is a dangerous time of year. Irrational decisions are bound to be made in the name of change and the "itch for new". But then again, maybe this year I can control it or maybe my bank account will. Maybe I can find something to keep me busy enough that the "itch for new" doesn't get me. Whatever happens, I'm just glad spring is here.

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Nadia's Newest

One afternoon I was working on a project while Nadia was playing with toys in the livingroom. I really wanted to finish what I was doing before I put her in bed for a nap. Although she was singing her 'sleepy song' I thought she could make it for another few minutes...I guess I was wrong.
Recently Nadia has learned to crawl into a chair, turn around and sit. She finds it highly amusing to get in and out of her chair. For a challenge she scoops up as many toys as possible and then tries to sit in the chair...I mean why would you just want to sit still?

I gave Nadia a piece of paper and a coloured pencil. If she gets the right end on the page she is very content to draw...and it's even more fun to try all the different colours.

Nadia is our 'on the go every minute of the day' baby girl. A few weeks ago I found out that she loves to sit in her highchair and watch me make super as long as I do it like
a cooking show. I was getting a little bored with the cooking show thing so as I was washing veggies I was thinking of something to keep her attention. Hey, what a bout a piece of lettuce...I thought she would look it over and then throw it on to the floor. To my surprise she thought it was very funny and highly amusing. And played with it for about 20 minutes.


Congratulations to Tim

The last few weeks have been very busy for us. Firstly, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Tim for finishing his Bachelor's degree via directed study. When he gets motivated it's amazing what he can do. He finished his last class in less than 2 weeks! Well, now that Tim has the piece of paper to say he's educated to be a pastor, we don't know of any potential churches looking for a pastor. As we wait for news, we are also waiting to find an electrical job. So for now, Tim is working at a cabinet shop in Martensville! Funny, we just moved from Martensville to Saskatoon. Some of you know Tim loves to read Motor Trend magazine. Well, I think that Nadia will also love it...reading with Dad!
