the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

the baby weight contest

Colin's last official weigh-in was at 11 days old. So I thought maybe I should take him in and introduce him to the Dr. in Birch Hills. And out of this we are having a contest. I have no idea what he weighs and so I thought we should all guess. Today, Colin is 3 months start your guessing. The winner will receive a very lovely prize, as always!

Some Saturday morning fun. The kiddos actually slept in on a Saturday. I can't believe I think 7:30am is sleeping in. Finally, a new family photo. Nadia is finally out of her run-away-from-the-camera-and-whine phase. Praise God!

nomads no longer

Here's a photo of our piece of dirt. That's right...we've put a deposit on this land at the top of the hill in Birch Hills. We are in process for mortgage approval and gathering quotes for the cost of our RTM and basement. We want to have a Ready-to-Move home built and then moved onto a wood basement. People keep thinking that RTM means trailer, but it's not! Tim and I have drafted up our plans and we're soon going to order our RTM. We're hoping to be in our new house by end of February 2008. Here we go!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I admit that some of these photos aren't the greatest...but who wants to read a blog with no photos?!?!
Here is our resident heron. Can you see him in the sunny spot, through the tress? I think he likes to eat the frogs in our yard.
Here's a National Geographic reject.'s hard to take photos with Colin wiggling in my arms. Anyway, these are some deer we saw, I think there were 6 of them.
These are the last of a mass migration. I actually don't know if they are ducks or geese, or maybe something else. But I do know they are very loud. I was up early, and for about 5 minutes all I could hear was these birds making a loud racket as they passed over head. Our windows were all closed and I am completely astounded that Tim and Nadia slept through the noise.

Tim has also sighted a golden eagle and a vulture! No pictures of those'll just have to take his word for it.

The swathers are finally on our field. Harvest is late this year because we've had so much rain. These machines look so small when you see them in the middle of a field. But they are actually quite big.

Tim using the electric chainsaw. I bugged him endlessly about the electric part. I mean, think about it. The farm we are on is long of a cord would we have to have in order to reach to the edge of the farm? And there's no outlet on the exterior of the house! Good thing we're just house sitting.

it's all about Colin

All smiles...this guy is going to be a real charmer!
Colin just adores Nadia...especially when she makes faces at him and he laughs at her.
I finally finished Colin's crib linen's. Too bad I didn't change his sleeper to match...well we can't be totally perfect.
Colin just kicking and watching me get photos ready for this blog. This photo was taken this morning. Isn't he a cutie...I think he'll be a handsome little guys!

Just in case you are interested in the details. Colin is sleeping soundly through the night (about 8-9 hours) and he naps well too. He is such a good baby! He eats well and loves his bath too. Okay, I'll stop now.