the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

dirty car = new job?

For the past year and a half we have been looking for a pastoral position that we really felt excited about. And 2 weeekends ago we got the chance to candidate at Lake Park Baptist Church, in Birch Hills, SK. We've known about this church for a while and have always been excited about the things that are happening and the growth they are having. God is really creating a wave there!

So we candidated. What is candidating you ask? Well, it's sort of like an extended interview. Since the position was for a person to work with Young Families and Small Groups, we went to a Young Families BBQ on Saturday night to meet and get to know the people. There were about 30 adults and about 40 kids (only 1/2 of the Young Families in the church) - Nadia was in heaven. Most of the night she had a gaggle of older girls surrounding her; picking her up and adoring her.

We stayed the night at the Senior Pastor's home and had a fun time with their family - they thought Nadia was a doll. Becuase I was pregnant, I ended up having insomnia that night and only got a few hours of sleep. Apparently, Nadia was restless too, and slept in our bed for some of the night, something she's never done before. Usually, she climbs in our bed, gets comfortable and then tells us she's going back to bed. It was a strange night.

Then Sunday morning, we went to the church to share our life story. We had planned for Nadia to stay with the Senior Pastor's wife while we were on stage, but she decided she was coming too. She's a little rock star in the making - she loved the attention and lights! Tim also gave a short message on Mother's Day. We pretty much monopolized the morning.

The dirty car? As we drove into Birch Hills for the first time on Saturday afternoon, we hit torrential rain. And then we turned off the highway and onto a grid road (gravel). It was a bog of a road and each time we drove down it to the Pastor's home, we added another layer of mud. The picture really doesn't do it justice. Tim was so embarrassed to drive our filthy car to church! The funny part is he just washed it the day before! ha ha

So, the result! The Wednesday after we candidated, the congregation voted on whether or not we should come, be hired. It was a unanimous vote for us to come. And now that we've officially accepted the offer and call, we are officially moving. That also means we are officially house hunting for the first time.

So this summer we will buy a house, have a new baby, move and Tim will start a new job. Actually, that all has to happen in the next 2 months. So cool - we've been waiting so long for this that it feels like a whirlwind of happenings. But maybe it is!

Friday, May 18, 2007

back to the fun

Playing under the 'tent'. Nadia thinks it's very cool that the blanket looks red when the sun shines through it. I just think that's a little strange.
Nadia's newest favourite...a chair from Auntie Lisa. It only took Tim about 1/2 an hour to build this chair and Nadia was more than thrilled when it was done. In fact, not only does she have the coolest deck chair...she's the only one with a deck chair.
I never thought I'd see the day when I said I love the dollar store - but I do. We found a whole bucket of foamy stickers for $1! And Nadia is addicted to sticking! She just loves to peel the backing off and stick them on the paper. And here she's wearing her painting smock because that's also a favourite these days.
Nadia loves to help. Here she's actually vacuuming up the chaff from the birds. As time goes on my life just gets easier and easier. Although I'm still trying to convince her to do the dishes. No go so far!
Summer has finally started here in SK. It's probably only 8am and Nadia is out, in her pajamas, enjoying her car on the deck. She thinks it's hilarious to ram it into the railings.
More fun on the deck in her tent tunnel. I just hope Nadia is amused by homemade fun for many year to come. ...I can hope can't I!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Update on the scary happenings

Since not all of you are around to hear, I'll update you since the last post. The tightenings did stop and I was 'released' from the hospital! That was Tuesday, and on Friday Tim stayed home because he had a terrible flu.

Fortunately, hours later he was feeling better, but my back started going into spasm. I tried to lay down for some rest and relief, only to be completely paralyzed by pain. In agony I whimpered for Tim to come get me up. Screaming and crying he pulled me to my feet. After about 10 minutes, the sheer agony ended. All day I was in severe pain and for the most part couldn't really move. I saw a Chiropractor in the evening and Praise God that in the evening I was feeling better and was actually able to lay down. I slept well and in the morning the pain was totally gone - I only had minor aches!

The Chiropractor adjusted me again and now I feel great. I can even breathe better! And Tim's flu - I guess it was a one day thing. But I'm grateful, I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't home to get me up off the bed! Poor Nadia, she looked very concerned for me.

But this week is going well. I've cleared my schedule and I'm trying to de-stress. So hopefully the baby will be happy for another 6 or more weeks and my body won't give up again! Thanks for all your prayers and calls. We certainly have tons of really great friends taking care of us. We love you all lots.

Hopefully now we can get back to the funny posts, with cutie pictures of Nadia!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

frog heads

scary, very scary

Monday night was the worst date Tim and I have ever been on. Okay.... it wasn't a date, but we did joke about it.

Monday evening we had a group of people over and my back was so sore that a friend actually wiped up my floor because I couldn't do it. Later on after everyone had left, not only was my back hurting, but my uterus was tightening too. Oh silly Braxton Hicks I thought.

As time went on it got stronger and stronger. Soon these tightenings were painful contractions. After making some calls we finally decided to head to the hospital. Grandma came to stay while Nadia slept and we dashed off to the hospital. I thought for sure that the whole thing would be over shortly after we got to the hospital.

But no. All night long I had contractions and cramping. This went on for hours before I finally agreed to let the Obstetrician take action. I received an anti-inflammatory to stop the contractions and it worked! And then 'steroids' to help the baby's lungs to mature if I did in fact deliver the baby early. It was about 5:30am by now and neither Tim or I had really slept. How could I, the baby was kicking violently all night.

A few hours later they admitted me and Tim headed home to relieve Grandma. After being poked and prodded some more they finally decided to let me go home on a pass. AKA. get out of 'jail' free. However I had to come back no later than 7:30am Tuesday morning for my second dose of 'steroids'. If this baby is a true Sawatzky, I'm not sure those 'steroids' were really necessary!

But all is well now and the baby is still safe and cuddled in my belly. Praise God that I can carry the baby a little longer because I'm not ready for this baby just yet!