the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the results are in!

So yesterday Mom Sawatzky and I went for our long awaited spa pedicure. This was Tim's anniversary gift to me and also my first time having a pedicure. Wow. I definetly love the spa. It was so fun to spend time with Mom and relax. And the coffee and cheesecake afterward was great too. I love our street. All of these wonderful things in walking distance.

While Mom & I relaxed, Tim and Nadia played...with hats.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hole in one

Well, it finally happened. I was on the 7th hole of the Warman Golf Club with a light breeze to my back. The hole is 137 yards to the pin but there is an intimidating bunker staring me down with the green wrapping around both sides. The pin placement is, of course, directly behind the bunker. No worries, the morning is beautiful, I'm hitting well and there's no way Clint and Dad are going to beat me today (sorry guys), let's go at the flag. With the wind at my back and 137 to the hole I figure a 9 iron should do it. The swing felt great, there was good contact with the ball and it flew straight. I lost it momentarily in the sun but picked it up as it started to come back down with the flag in its sights. It landed about 4' from the hole and spun to the right as if the ball had eyes ... and then it disappeared. Dad said, "I think it went in the hole!" I thought, no, we must have just lost it in the shadows. As we approached the green it became apparent that the ball was no where to be seen. With baited breath I walked up to the hole and looked inside. There it was! My first hole in one!

I kept the ball and I think I'll frame it or something. Dad and Clint gave me the score card under the condition that I couldn't frame it. So I'll just tell you all what they shot. Just kidding guys, your secrets safe with me. As for me, I'm not thinking of turning pro just yet. I might have to trim off a couple of strokes (each hole that is). But you take what you can get and I'm pretty happy to get this one. So, for all you golfers out there, keep your head down and your hands lose.

Tim Sawatzky

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Top 10 Recent Celebrations

10. We've got snails ... in our fish tank that is. I thought they would just sit on the glass but they can really move.

9. I'm going for a spa pedicure next week.

8. Grandma took Nadia for the night and gave us a night off and a morning to sleep in.

7. VBS is on this week and every one is still sane. (We don't really know if they were sane when we started.)

Nadia is mostly potty trained.

5. Tim is going back to work for the cabinet company in September, and they've even given him a really nice raise.

4. We're moving ... okay that's not the celebration part. But we will be back in the same city where Tim works and where we go to church and where all our friends are. Yeah!

3. Tim had a birthday! Now we're the same age ... at least for a few more months.

2. We had our 7th wedding anniversary.

1. And the most talked about item is ... Tim's new guitar amp! A Traynor YCV20WR: Yorkville Custom Valve 20 WR. Okay, I don't know what the WR is for. But Tim is totally excited and thrilled to have an amp again. And it sounds soooooo smooth.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Wages Garnished

Have you ever been working at a mundane chore, basking in the perfect silence of the moment, only to be shockingly brought back to the real world with the sound of...more silence? This is the moment in which I instinctively felt the need to check on our 'never-so-quiet' little princess. AHHHHH!!! While I was basking, she was exploring. The printer that is! Oh, my. When I went to see what exactly she was doing I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Nadia managed to remove a part of the print which neither Tim or I can figure out what it does or where it goes. Odd. So we have a printer that doesn't work and a mysterious piece. Destruction number 1.

Tim was given a ceramic bobble-head pig from Alcatraz and he accidentally knocked it off the desk and broke his neck. I was able to hot-glue him back together. Since bobble-head was already broken I though I would let Nadia put him in her little doll bed. She has been asking forever, okay about 2 weeks. Nadia gently packed him around the house putting him in her little chair and then in her bed. She would even cover him up with a little blanket. So cute. All of a sudden she looked at the bobble-head and slams him to the ground. His little glasses went flying off his head. This would have been funny, but they aren't supposed to come off. Destruction number 2.

There have been other items of destruction lately. So Tim and I, as responsible parents, have come up with a disciplinary measure. We have decided that when Nadia asks for an allowance we will tell her, "Sure". You may have an allowance once you have paid off what you destroyed as a toddler. Garnished wages is our punishment for her. Look out Nadia; we're keeping a tab for you.
