Nadia & I are frantically trying to pack the house. But those of you with toddlers will understand that the frantic part just means I'm running around saying, "Please don't take that out of the box". However, I learned that Nadia really likes to colour on the boxes ... so I figure, go at it. She has carefully coloured all the boxes in our place with multiple colours. I'm just hoping this is still a novelty for the next few days.

While packing I came across Tim's reflective running jacket. Nadia is quite the princess and loves to do fashion shows. So here she is sporting Daddy's jacket and wondering what she should try to pull out of the box next.

I put Nadia up on top of these boxes thinking she would love it, but she was a little hesitant for the first bit. Then as usual, after a few moments, she thought it was the best thing ever.

The other day Nadia had a total infatuation with her baby doll. She would wrap her up in her blanket and cuddle with her. And pretended to feed her. She even got a diaper and tried to put it on. When she finally got frustrated and asked me to help. I couldn't resist. One of Nadia's rewards for being potty trained was a doll stroller. And she loves to give her baby rides in it. So I think we'll leave the baby out and pack her at the last minute, because lately she has given Nadia hours of fun.