the jackpot
Since it has been cold and rainy here for the past week, we decided that we better take this sunny opportunity to get out and do something other than packing. So we did something very creative ... we went for a walk. And at the end of our walk, in our very own yard - okay, patch of grass - we found a jackpot of ladybugs! Ohhh, does Nadia ever love ladybugs. I put one on her arm one day and it crawled all over her. She thought that was the coolest thing. And really, I think she's right. I mean it would be pretty cool to have a little creature crawl up your arm ... tickles! Especially, when you didn't even know bugs could do that. So here are a few of our photos from our ladybug tree. Ladybugs have taught Nadia to be very, very gentle. She's learning to just let them crawl onto her and not to squish them. Although I can't say there haven't been casualties in the past.