the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Nadia

Yesterday, was Nadia's 2nd birthday! I can hardly believe she's 2. We gave her this Little People House and she was so busy playing with it that she couldn't even look at the camera for a picture. Grandpa had a brain wave Tuesday morning and decided to make a cake in the shape of a ladybug. What a cool idea. However, Nadia was not to sure about eating a ladybug but the rest of us enjoyed it.
Apparently it took a whole bottle of red food coloring to make the red icing. It really did turn out well though. And the two candles made for really cool burning antenna's.
Although it was Nadia's birthday it was not her happiest day. As those of you who called and asked to speak to Nadia, know she was having a "NO!" day. In fact she was quite grumpy and disagreeable all day long. So in the picture above I bribed her with a Smartie to talk with Oma. Fortunately it worked this time but then she was on to me and it only worked once.
This is a card from Great Grandpa & Grandma that Nadia liked very much. It has different pages with outfits on them and she thought it was very cute.

All in all, Nadia is one very spoiled girl. She was incredibly blessed on her birthday even if she doesn't know it. This is just one of the Radio Flyer's that she got from Grandma and Grandpa. To cool. We would just like to thank Grandma and Grandpa for the Birthday party and all the presents. And for Oma and Opa who sent presents from B.C. Also, Great Grandma and Grandpa and Great Oma, thanks for the cards and presents. And of course, Auntie Lisa who although she couldn't be here sent some lovely books about fish and pickles. And thank you to all those people who have helped us learn how to be parents over the last two years. We appreciate all the advise and conversations about how to raise a Godly little girl. We are extremely blessed to have such a network of friends that we can bounce idea's off of. Thank you everyone.

Tim, Annalisa and Nadia

Thursday, February 15, 2007

be bugged no more

Well, some of you have been bugging us for new stuff, and although Tim's Rant post made me laugh, I'm sure you meant more of Nadia.

Here's our princess with curls. Natural curls and no product.
Nadia likes to arrange things. Like her baby and Daddy on the sofa. She's very entertaining at lunch time.
Daddy makes Nadia a tent. As you can see it's a little short, but Nadia loves it just the same.

lovin' the new music

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I got Nadia a kids CD. This is as kids music as it gets in our house. In fact Nadia's favorite CD beside this one is Santana. Yeah...she's cool!

belly laughs

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Sorry the light is dim, but this was hilarious.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Well I have started to receive complaints that we have not updated our blog and a picture of our dresser is still the last post. Well I'll change that with my annual Rant blog. This being the first addition of Rants I don't think I really need to follow any sort of guideline so here goes.

What is up with people not having internet or a computer these days? I'll start of with this one because it is relatively safe. If you don't have a computer you are probably not reading this blog. But seriously, I know people with big screen TV's, computer controlled cars and cell phones but they have yet to buy a computer or have any idea on how to use one. Is this just a Saskatchewan thing or are there others in this world? I understand if you are old and don't have one because it is hard to teach old dog's new tricks but I'm talking people in their 20's and 30's. Come on people, get with the times.

And what is with people walking through the malls talking on their hands free, blue tooth headset on the cell phone? OK, OK, I know we just bought one for my Dad for Christmas and they are really good for the car and such. But seriously, do you know how creepy it is standing beside someone who is just randomly talking in the grocery store. I mean, you think to yourself, are they talking to me? Should I answer? Then you do and they look at YOU weird. Hey your the weird one, it's not my fault I'm friendly.

How long will this cold last? I know, I'm starting to sound like a farmer but seriously. It's been almost -30 for weeks now and I'm really getting sick of it. Today my car didn't start for the second time in a week and a half. One can only handle so many square tires. I told my co-workers the other day that if winter isn't over soon, I Quit! They asked, quit what, and I said I quit winter! We're still working out the logistics of that but Winter better look out.

Finally, What is up with Tim Horton's doughnuts lately? Have you tried them? I mean they used to be better didn't they? This whole bake them and then freeze them and then thaw them out in the microwave thing is just not working. I don't know if that is really what they do but the doughnut's are horrible. I haven't had fresh one's from there in month's. And the last time I was there I ordered a combo, which comes with a coffee and a doughnut. The girl rang it in and then didn't give me my doughnut and coffee so I asked where they were. "Oh," she said "you didn't say that you wanted them". I was so confused at how the combo that I asked for didn't get them that I ended up paying another $2 for them. And it was still gross.

OK, back to being peaceable and lovable, I got out my rants for now so I'll save them up for next year. Until then, Have fun growing with Nadia.


Monday, February 05, 2007

Dressering Up

Well I know for most of the reader's of this blog, this post will be a who cares type post. After all, it doesn't include Nadia. However, in case you do care I will carry on. When I was just a young lad my Dad bought a dresser for $10 at a garage sale. It was well constructed of mostly solid rosewood and had a dark stained finish. However it had ugly handles and was a bit beat up so my Dad stripped it and painted it blue for his young boy. Then about 10 years later the boy grew up and he and his mother painted it once again but this time a yucky brown sort of colour. Well since I have been working at a cabinet shop for the last 9 month's or so I thought it would be cool to simply strip the paint off the dresser and fill the holes and spray it with black lacquer (actually my friend and co-worker Gord sprayed it). Well here is the final result complete with full extension sliders and 8" bar handles. Not to say it was easy, oh no, as if stripping at least 4 coats of paint off wasn't bad enough I had to figure out how to put sliders in a dresser that was not meant to have sliders. Oh and the little mishap in the shop when a wall fell on it and put a board right through the top was a little discouraging (again, Gord to the rescue). All in all I'm happy with it and I just hope it won't get scratched in our next move.


our cutie & the alien

Just thought I'd share some cutie photos of Nadia. One day she kept running out of her room and telling me, "hair" and then she'd pull it up with her fingers. I kept telling her she has to keep that hair and that she can't take it off. Until I actually went to see what all the fuss was about. I touched her hair before we went into her room and it was really hot. That's when I clued in.
Loving time with Daddy. Actually, she's procrastinating about going on the potty. Procrastination runs very deep in her family!
Feeding her animals a snack and tea. She was running each animal into the kitchen to give them tea. Where does she come up with this stuff?
And here's our alien. We had our 19 week ultrasound today and they gave us this 1 photo. Ummm... Well, the technician was right - it's an alien picture. The baby is looking straight on at us with the head at the top and the body below. What was wrong with giving us a profile shot?

Friday, February 02, 2007

new best friend

Nadia and I went to the post office (Nadia calls the post office email!)to pick up our mail and there was a box for Nadia. I had no guesses about what it could be even though I knew who it was from. The box weighed almost nothing and it was a fair size. Nadia held it proudly all the way home. Then we opened this exciting present. (Out popped a baby...oh no, that's Murmel, Murmel, Murmel.) It was a ladybug pillow/teddy guy. Nadia was jumping up and down saying beebah, beebah, which translated means ladybug, ladybug. Then she held it, and it was love at first squeeze! Thank you Uncle Lorne and Auntie Audrey.
Later she shared her water with the ladybug. I guess ladybugs drink out of their antenna.
And then she tucked her baby and ladybug into bed for a pretend nap. Nadia has had loads of fun with her ladybug. What a great gift.

PS. UL & AA every night Nadia sleeps with the baby you gave her. And she does say it's heavy!

Sawatzky Invasion of the Schulz's

We just got back from a visit to BC to see Nadia's Opa & Oma. She didn't change time so we were up at about 5am BC time every morning. And the only other one up at that time of the day was the cat. Linnea was hours of fun. Nadia thought she was like the dog and tried to give her cat food on the floor. Linnea just looked at her like she was crazy - typical cat.

Although I was completely amazed by the tolerance level of the cat. Because even though her cat door is mere steps away, she still let Nadia pick her up and totally smother her. It was pretty cute. Nadia finally learned that kitties bite. She got numerous scratches and bites, which we were okay with because Nadia just laughed at the cat and thought she was funny.
The cat door was also loads of entertainment. Great Grandma gave her a few toys and Nadia loved to send them flying through the cat door onto the deck.
These are some photos of my parents 'new' house. It is about 25 years old, but they've done tons of renovating and I think it looks fabulous.

Opa and Oma ... taking a moment out to pose.
One morning I came downstairs to find this hilarious scene. Everyone watching Veggie Tales with Nadia. It was so cute. Oma even learned the theme song and sang along. Too bad my video didn't really catch her voice.
Outside in the middle of winter. It was balmy weather, above 0 - so one day Daddy and Nadia went out to play. No toque, how cool! And look how big that tree is!
Proof that the lower mainland actually got snow and survived.
Nadia posing in front of a stump from a tree my parents had taken down. It was in the way of the new shop.
Nadia enjoys running up and down the chip pile from the fallen tree. The stains and mud did actually come out of her pants. We'll bring outdoor clothes next time we come.