the Sawatzky Nomad

We hope to keep all of our cross-provincial friends, and those abroad, updated with this blog. And maybe even hear from some who are long lost friends.

Friday, April 27, 2007

10 weeks to go

I can't even believe that I'm done 30 weeks of pregnancy already. Just about 7 months done! I've been feeling really good, although I'm starting to get tired during the day. And I don't really feel big yet. It's fun to be pregnant during the warm season because I can wear t-shirts and see the baby move across my shirt. That's actually a little scary, but exciting too.

I've been trying to get Nadia to feel my belly so she can feel the baby, but I think she's a little weirded out by the whole thing. I'm just glad that she's finally saying that the playpen is for the baby and not her. She has been enjoying naps in there on occasion. Until we had a discussion about sharing it with the baby.

I guess soon we have to have another contest to guess when this baby will arrive!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

new skills

While Nadia was on the counter looking at her hair clip in the mirror, she decided to try out this hand washing thing. First she was happy to play in the water and rub her hands together . Then she noticed the soap and wanted to give that a go. I put some soap on her hands and she rubbed and rubbed and was thoroughly amused by all the suds she could make. I think it's pretty cool that she now loves to wash her hands and she can do it all on her own too.

For the past week we've been playing with this elephant (piggy) bank that Tim made in high school. At first Nadia just loved to put the pennies in and then watch me unscrew the side to get them out. Then yesterday, she asked if she could have the screwdriver. Because I was racing around trying to get a list of things done, I gave in and let her have it. As I walked by her I thought, "Oh, isn't that cute, she's pretending to take the screws out". A few minutes later I asked her how she was doing. Silence. I walked closer and noticed that she was so deep in thought that she couldn't even answer. She had 3 of 4 screws out and the 4th one on it way! I was shocked! Then I congratulated her on getting the screws out and she just looked blankly at me. After she got the 4th screw out then she was excited. I didn't know 2 year olds could do that! Way to go Nadia!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What a day!

In the morning on Thursday, okay a while ago, we found 4 eggs in our birds nest. Usually, she only lays one at a time, so this was kind of special. Nadia decided to celebrate the eggs by giving the birds some Kleenex. They actually put it in their nest and Nadia was thrilled. Our birds have laid about 10 eggs since we got them about 6 months ago, but none have ever hatched. I haven't checked these ones yet, but maybe this time!

It was also sunny and warm. We got this pink car from Grandpa and Grandma. Nadia helped me give it a bath, we forgot it outside all winter, and then she had a blast going in and out of the car. Sometimes Nadia is so particular. She can't drive it until someone helps her close the door all the way! Silly Nadia! Actually that's what she says to us, "Silly Mommy", or "Silly Grandma".
A random photo at lunch time.
And the highlight of Tim's summer. A brand new BBQ - and he deserves one. He's been BBQing on our little old BBQ for years. I can't say he never complained though! ha ha! So I guess I have to buy stuff that can be BBQed. Any of you have some great BBQing recipes, please send them my way! This is all new territory for me.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Contest Results

Well, I think we've kept you in suspense for long enough! The results are in. I thought I would add the comments below so that everyone could see the competition.

Auntie Audrey H: I have a comment....maybe two. First of all, let me tell you that two blogs in a row without pictures of Nadia is unacceptable and of course she calls the walls a cow because, I mean I have seen your walls and I personally thought about steak the entire time I was at your house and Uncle Lorne couldn't stop mentioning Holsteins after being there. So I don't know why you think it is strange that Nadia calls the wall a cow.

Michael and Sharlene M: The answer MUST be yes, otherwise that would be such an odd question... quite bizarre... Though I have never personally seen your cow walls, based on logic and the assumption of your "normalness" I would say "Yes"...

Auntie Lisa S: She would say "yes" because auntie says so. Awww, she loves auntie.

Auntie Lisa S: WAIT! You theif, stealing my idea. Now people will forget about my competition and only answer yours! Or maybe we can get people to look at both who don't normally look at both. All right, folks, there is an even bigger competition here, the one that wants to know who's blog will get more comments.

Oh no, I'm not helping by leaving comments on your blog. Drat.

Danielle S: the answer is yes because of the patches on your wall look like the patches of a cow. This happens when the light reflect from your window. Good friends listen. Now that I just made that comment I really hope I’m right.

Colleen M: Since I hope to someday live in your house, I hope your walls don't look like cows. It may take away from the experience of living in Martensville. You know... having cow walls.

Karen L: I'll be the only one who says "NO, they do not look like cow walls."

Sharon S: I agree with Audrey and I'd say more but I'm at work and have a mean boss.

Nicole V: Actually I remember you saying it earlier in your blog that Nadia thinks the patches on the wall look like a cow. (When the light shines in a certain way...) So my answer is yes too!

Juanita B: wow! What a turn out for guessing. I know this is an old post but since there is nothing new to comment on I will say "yes". Nadia is a very intelligent girl!

Auntie Lisa S: I think it's about time for another rant by Tim. And maybe on your blog this time, not just a comment on mine:)

Jennifer F: Hmmm....well, I don't know what color your walls are, but unless they are dark brown or spotted black and white I don't see why she would equate them with a cow. So I'll have to say Myth. Although, if it's true, I won't be surprised either - kids are strange that way!

Neysa P: I agree with Jennifer - I'd say Myth, unless your walls are furry.

Sarah B: I say true because little kids are infamous for saying the craziest things. Also if she's anything like Tim, she's a little weird!:)

Alison L: Definitely a myth - we all know they really look like a chicken : )

Crystal C: True--you must have those textured walls (think of church walls) I've always thought they looked
like a cow or a map. I am totally with Nadia here!

Here is a photo of what Nadia sees from her highchair. Our walls are in desperate need of painting. In fact we were going to paint the whole place before we moved in but it didn't work out. The previous renter thought he would help out and put mud over the holes. However, this is what we have to look at. You can't see it in this photo, but the walls were originally painted matte, then randomly touched up with gloss and then covered randomly with mud. Shall we say it's unique.

As for the winner of the contest. Many of you can give yourselves a pat on the back for getting the right answer. However, the instructions were to reply Truth or Myth, so technically most of your guesses should be disqualified. But I'll be lenient this time :) So...the winner is.......Sarah B! I chose Sarah because she had the funniest reason. I agree, Tim is a little weird and I wouldn't change that for anything - it makes our life fabulously fun! And I can't help myself. After reviewing all of the comments I have to make some runner-ups. I chose Auntie Audrey and Auntie Lisa because their answers were just so funny!

Thanks for commenting - it was a tremendous turn out! We'll have to do it again sometime.